
Interesting articles regarding automotive wrap films

Do Car Wraps Provide Tax Benefits?

August 14, 2023

Yes, car wraps can provide tax benefits in the US if they are used for business purposes. The IRS considers car wraps to be a form of advertising, and the cost of a car wrap can be deducted from your taxable income as a marketing expense.

At first glance, car wraps might seem like a purely aesthetic choice, but there is the added bonus of having significant tax benefits. Car wraps are a great way to promote your business and protect your vehicle's paintwork so as stated they go under a marketing expense.

The Dual Purpose of Car Wraps

Car wraps are a great way to protect your vehicle's paintwork while also promoting your business. They are durable and can withstand the elements, making them a long-term investment. Car wraps can also be customized to your exact specifications, so you can create a mobile advertisement that is both eye-catching and effective. This dual functionality is where the tax benefits come into play.

Advertising Expense Deduction

When you use your wrapped vehicle for business purposes, the IRS often views the cost of wrapping as an advertising expense. The cost of a car wrap can be deducted from your taxable income, which can reduce your overall tax liability. This means that you can save money on your taxes by investing in a car wrap for your business. It's important to keep detailed records of the wrap's cost, the date of the wrapping, and the purpose (i.e., advertising).

Depreciation Deductions

Vehicles used for business purposes can be depreciated over time. When you add a wrap to your car, it can increase the vehicle's value, allowing for a higher depreciation deduction. However, it's crucial to consult with a tax professional to determine the exact amount and method of depreciation suitable for your situation.

Mileage Deductions

If you're using your wrapped vehicle for business-related travel, you can also claim mileage deductions. The presence of the wrap, which advertises your business, strengthens the argument that the vehicle is used primarily for business purposes. Make sure to maintain a detailed log of business-related trips, including dates, purposes, and miles travelled.

Maintenance and Upkeep

The cost of maintaining and repairing the wrap can also be considered a business expense, especially if the wrap gets damaged and needs fixing to maintain its advertising effectiveness. Regular cleaning, occasional touch-ups, and even full re-wraps (after a certain period) can be included in your tax deductions.


Car wraps offer a unique blend of advertising and protection for business vehicles. Beyond the obvious visual appeal and brand visibility they provide, the potential tax benefits make them an even more attractive investment. However, always consult with a tax professional to ensure you're maximizing deductions and staying compliant with tax regulations.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal or financial advice. Always consult with a tax professional regarding your specific situation.